This meaningful activity was attended and facilitated by student volunteers and faculty members, led by the SHS principal, Mrs. Antonita C. Paris. The initiative was also coordinated with the Socio-Pastoral Affairs Office, headed by Mr. John Ralf Teman.

On the way to the venue, a far-flung area, the devastation caused by the flood is severe, resulting in the loss and damage of some residents’ livelihoods. While main roads are passable, there are still areas covered by massive water, making it difficult for some light vehicles to traverse.

Despite the enormous challenges faced by the residents, they remain hopeful and are doing their best to recover, salvaging some of the valuables left. They express gratitude to God because their families are still intact and, most importantly, for the help received, such as the relief goods provided by the LGU and NGOs.

Indeed, when calamity strikes, hope becomes our steadfast companion, illuminating the path forward.

