On March 15, 2024, the IBED Faculty attended a Seminar on Soft Skills with the theme “Beyond The Curriculum: Fostering Soft Skills for Effective Teaching and Learning”. This seminar ensures that teachers not only receive academic trainings in enhancing teaching skills, strategies, and methods but most especially teachers navigate through shaping personal and professional lives.

This endeavor is one of the faculty development program of the IBED Principal, Ma’am Bhea Christly Narido, MAEd, in coordination with the school’s guidance counselor, Ma’am Frances Marie Padonia-Amper, RGC. As mentioned by Ma’am Bhea during her welcome remarks, “By empowering our teachers with these soft skills, we create enriching environment that fosters holistic development.”

To reinforce us with the concepts of these soft skills, we are honored and grateful by the presence of our invited esteemed resource speaker, Mr. Sigfred Bautista Jorge, RGC whose insights greatly contributed to achieving this purpose. The ideas and skills acquired by our teachers will surely provide positive impact on students’ educational experience as well as professional development.

MCPI Guidance, Counseling and Testing Center
